The Llama Who Had No Pajama: 100 Favorite Poems

Bibliography: Hoberman, Mary Ann. The Llama Who Had No Pajama . Orlando, Florida: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2006. ISBN 978-0152055714 Summary: This book is a collection of 100 poems written by Mary Ann Hoberman. She picked her favorite poems from the last 40 years to create this anthology. Critical Analysis: This collection of Hoberman's poems reminds me a little of Where the Sidewalk Ends . The poems are fun, silly, rhyming about anything and everything. You will find poems here about birthdays, slippers, siblings, fishing, seasons, opposites, food, letters of the alphabet, bugs and animals. Each poem has its own rhythm and rhyming scheme.The rhythm may be like a tongue twister, singing a song, chanting or calm and relaxed.Rhyming does not seem forced, but flows off the page with ease. One poem may have an AABB scheme, the next will be ABAB, then AABC, and so on. A perfect and simple rhyme is found in Both My Slippers..." Both my slippers/ Are bright red./ At ni...